Editor's Note
Hey girls!
Finally, we have our official blog. Sure, we exist in both friendster.com and blogspot.com but having our very own (and official) blogsite brings us to a totally new level! Now, we can post more wacky photos of us and how it's really like working with the Pink girls. Plus, we can all share stories of our favorite stores, newest finds and bargain buys—because that's what we always do actually ;P
Nothing beats showing you girls where the best finds are. I’m also so excited to have a more interactive relationship with you, Pinkiteers. With this, we’ll be able to keep each other posted on a regular basis. You’re more than welcome to share with us your ideas on what you think and want to see more of in the magazine and in this blogsite. After all, this is YOUR magazine. And the more “shoppers” we have helping PINK, the more fun it will be!
So, visit us regularly for updates on the latest buys and newest stores to check out! We’ll definitely keep you in the buzz :D
Jane Kingsu
PINK magazine
At Thursday, February 15, 2007 8:50:00 PM, Anonymous said…
ur magazine rocks!! the cover are so attractive!! and the pages make me feel so kikay...and i really love the new look..thanks pink
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:31:00 PM, "blogging obet" said…
thanks littleann21...
ei add us up in your frindster account - pink.promos@gmail.com.
At Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:57:00 PM, kaycee said…
i really like mag! its reaLLy amazing!! it makes me feel "in" sa new trends.. because of ur mag,we teenagers know kung anu ung mga bagong trends,,thanks pimk,,continue rockin'
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