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A Girl's Guide To Shopping

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Feedback time

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Hey gals! Tell us what you think of Pink! Just click on the comments link and type away.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Pink's Go-See

Thanks to everyone who went to today's Go-see. Everybody had a blast!

We started off with a seminar on Poise and Projection and Posing for Pictorials conducted by our friends at WORKSHOPS@ABSCBN.

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Then we took a break where some of the girls bravely hung out with the Pink crew. (We must mention that it takes guts to approach the Pink crew in the middle of a feeding frenzy :)

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Pinketeers Bianca and Micah with mastermind Cherry, art director Bliss and photographer Jay

Then that the girls showed us what they learned with a quick photo shoot.

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We capped off the day by talking about our favorite mag, Pink of course!

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We all had fun and we enjoyed hanging out with all the Pinketeers. Hope to see more of you guys at our next go-see!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

More thoughts on Kingdom of Heaven... well to be more precise, Thoughts of Orlando Bloom

It was one of those routine work days at the office when the air was suddenly filled with giggles, ooh-ing and aah-ing when the subject matter turned to thoughts of Orlando Bloom. (We have yet to find any red-blooded female on the Pink staff who doesn't go all floaty over thoughts of Legolas.) Here, Angela and Erica are practically euphoric over the fact that Kingdom of Heaven was going to be shown in local theaters. Sigh.

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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven Premiere

The Pink girls went to the premiere of the Kingdom of Heaven starring Orlando Bloom. They had lots of fun, lots of popcorn and lots of drool time staring at Orlando Bloom. What did they think of the movie? It has Orlando Bloom in it, do you need to ask? :)

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From left to right, Jane, Agee, Angela and Bliss

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Presenting Bliss's new 'do!

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When we last left her, Bliss was shy about having her picture taken since she hadn't had her hair done yet. But now look at the change! Bliss got a nice haircut and highlights courtesy of some generous friends.
By the way, her newly styled locks cost such a big bundle of cash that they've assigned a bodyguard to protect her hair. So here I am as Bliss's new bodyguard shooing the paparazzi away from her, so shoo! :)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Shy Bliss

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This is Bliss, Pink's new art director. Why is she covering her face? Well this is before she went off to the salon to get her hair done. What will happen next? Will she be transformed into a designing diva with the great-looking new 'do? Or will she turn into the creature that always has a bad hair day? Tune in tomorrow to find out.

Monday, May 02, 2005


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This is Angela. On the surface, she looked like your ordinary, harassed editorial assistant until she began to change...

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We all noticed that she looked different although we couldn't quite figure out what was happening to her. Each day, she grew quieter and more, er, orange.

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One day, we arrived at the office and this was all we found of her: Angela had turned back into a Poring.

PS. The preceding story is partly fictional. Angela has never been quiet for more than two seconds.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

What will happen next?

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In the latest installment of It's A Girl's World, Daphne confronted her two-timing boyfriend Brian with the help of her cousin Zoe--and a cup of punch thrown in his face. Her longtime friend and neighbor Mikey was al0so on the verge of confessing something to her, only to have her fall unconscious before the big moment. What do you think will happen next? What would you do if you caught your significant other cheating on you?

Start posting your comments people! :)